What's the difference between Cut-off,Semi Cut-off & Non Cut-off Luminaire

Posted on 2023-04-25 16:53, in News


Street roadway lighting is considered an important safety for busy streets and highways, where visibility is essential. Proper lighting can be expected to reduce night crashes by approximately 30%, thereby improving safety for drivers, riders, and pedestrians.

Conventional road lighting luminaires can be divided into three types according to the light distribution: Cut-off, semi-cut-off, and Non-cut-off.

Today we will share what is the difference between different types of cut-off luminaires.

1. The Optical distribution Cut-off curve luminaire

The angle between the maximum light intensity direction of the lamp and the downward vertical axis of the lamp is between 0° and 65° and the maximum allowable value of the light intensity in the 90° angle and 80° angle direction is 10cd/1000lm and 30cd/1000lm respectively, Regardless of the size of the luminous flux of the light source, the maximum light intensity in the 90° angle direction does not exceed 1000cd.

Advantage: Cut off luminaire with the best glare control, as the lateral extension of light is controlled, resulting in darkening of the area around the road. Glare is barely perceptible and at the same time, high road surface and brightness uniformity can be achieved. Suitable for main roads, expressways.

express way main road

Reference light distribution of Cut-off luminaire;

Product link:

2X2 LED LENS T2M Cut-off

2x3 LED LENS T2M Cut-off

2X4 T2M Cut-off

2x2 50mmx50mm 5050LED T2M CUTOFF 2x3 50mmx50mm 5050LED T2M Cutoff  8IN1 lens 50mmx50mm 5050LED T2M Cutoff

2X2 T2M cut off 2x3 T2M cutoff 2x4 T2M cutoff

2. Semi Cut-off Luminaire

The angle between the direction of the maximum light intensity of the lamp and the downward vertical axis of the lamp is between 0° and 75° and the maximum allowable value of the light intensity in the direction of 90° and 80° is 50cd/1000lm and 100cd/1000lm respectively, Regardless of the size of the luminous flux of the light source, the maximum light intensity in the 90° angle direction does not exceed 1000cd.   

The Semi-cut-off luminaire with a little glare, is suitable for secondary trunk roads and branch roads.

Reference light distribution of Semi cut-off luminaire;

Product link: 

2x2 led lens MEW TypeIV-Very Short

2X2 led lens street light IES TypeII-M

2x2 lens 50mmx50mm 5050LED NEW 2x2lens 50mmx50mm 5050LED T2M

2x2 T4VS MEW 2X2 T2M

3. The Non Cut-off light distribution Luminaire

The maximum light intensity direction of the lamp is not limited, And the maximum light intensity in the 90° angle direction does not exceed 1000cd. Suitable for bicycle lanes, and sidewalks.

Reference light distribution of no cut-off luminaire;

Product link: 

2x2 led lens 5050 leds T2M-No backlight diagram

2x2 led lens 5050leds T2M-With backlight diagram

2x2 lens 50mmx50mm 5050LED T2NB 2x2lens 50mmx50mm 5050LED T2WB

2X2 T2 No back light 2X2 T2 With back light

The three types of luminaire are summarized as follows;


   Type of Luminaire


Imax Direction

The max allowable value of the light intensity emitted in the specified angle direction



Cut-off Luminaire




Semi-Cut-off Luminaire




Non-Cut-off Luminaire




Glare control:

lens Cut-off luminaire>Semi Cut-off luminaire>Non Cut-off luminaire

Power Efficiency:

lens Cut-off luminaire>Semi Cut-off luminaire>Non Cut-off luminaire


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